Third Grade
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Hey everyone! I'm student teaching in 3rd grade right now. My Cooperating Teacher would like me to do a unit about citizenship. I am getting my Reading Endorsement, so it is required from me that I focus my unit on literacy. There are a few sites I found that list some books I could use and incorporating literacy is not so much the issue. I'd like to incorporate voting into this unit and since classroom jobs have already been established, I'd like to come up with something else to vote on within the classroom.. any ideas? I'd also like to do a lesson where the students are given different scenarios where they write about what they would do in that situation (this would go under doing the right thing/being a good citizen). I can't really think of different scenarios though that would be suitable for 3rd grade. I'd also like to incorporate acting out a classroom courtroom or something with the different branches of government, but I'm not sure if this would work into the unit. Any ideas ...See More
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Nicole Those scenarios are wonderful!!!! :) I dont think I can do the field trip because I believe all the field trips are approved in the beginning of the year and I believe there is a limit.

On 8/25/11, 4th wrote: > As scenarios, think about ways in which kids can be good > citizens: they can pick up litter, help keep the school and >...See More
Aug 25, 2011
Leah You may get some ideas from the following article
Aug 26, 2011
Elaine On 8/25/11, Nicole wrote: > Hey everyone! I'm student teaching in 3rd grade right now. > My Cooperating Teacher would like me to do a unit about > citizenship. I am getting my Reading Endorsement, so it is > required from me that I focus my unit on literacy. There > are a few sites I found that list some books I could use > and in...See More
Aug 26, 2011
Nicole These are all great ideas! Thank you everyone for your suggestion and support! I really appreciate it!

On 8/26/11, Elaine wrote: > On 8/25/11, Nicole wrote: >> Hey everyone! I'm student teaching in 3rd grade right now. >> My Cooperating Teacher would like me to do a unit about >> citizenship. I am getting my Reading En...See More
Aug 28, 2011
Bev-MI ret. Google "Blame it on the Wolf". This is a play by douglas Love and was in my 4th grade reader. You can get a copy through Amazon $3.50. It is a courtroom play where the wolf is blamed for eating Red Riding Hood's Grandma. Cute and easy to put on with costumes and backgrounds for different scenes. Characters are the three little pigs, Hansel and Gret...See More
Aug 29, 2011

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