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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Hello. I am a teacher/tutor making referals for a new, innovative online tutoring company. This company is due to launch at the end of August.The company employs only highly qualified, certified and experienced instructors and degreed professors. It will be available 24/7, for the low cost of $89 per monh for an entire household. Teachers who refer tutors and students to the service earn a residual monthly income from all of their teacher and student referals, and they also earn an indirect monthly income from the referals of their referals. The company is due to launch at the end of August.

If you are a school teacher/professor who would like to apply to be a tutor for this service, or if you know of any students who you think could benefit from this service, please let me know. I think that this a great concept. Not only do teachers earn a residual monthly income for all of their teacher and student referals, but the students also benefit by having unlimited, economical onli...See More

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