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I never said that I told the mother not speak to her in
her in their Native Language. I said that I told her mom
she should speak to her in English as well. The girl is
getting really confused because this is the grade she is
trying to read. The girl told me that she doesn't even
know what her mom is saying and all it sounds to her
is "blah blah blah." I wasn't saying not to speak to her
in her native language but to speak to her in English as
well because she is learning to read. It's frusturating
for the girl because she really gets confused. She is
having trouble and will probably need to be put in summer
school. I came on here for help, not to be judged about
making a suggestion to her mother.
Amanda /blockquote>

That is a hard situation. I would do your best to teach
the reading basics which would include both phonics and
sight words. Does your school have an ESOL specialist that
you can ask for recommendations?

How often and how long do you meet with her? Sometimes
meeting twice a week for 30-45 minutes wou...See More
Apr 1, 2008
laura beth /blockquote>

We have been working on the basics and I feel that she is
getting better. I am just substituting right now for a school
district so I actually do not work at the school she attends.
I waitress at a restaurant that her parents run so that is how
I know her. I meet with her on Mondays and Thursdays for an
...See More
Apr 1, 2008

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