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I have a B.A. in education and 15 years teaching experience. How can I become a tutor and what can I expect to charge or earn?

I am wondering if it is better to work for an agency.

I recently divorced and REALLY need to work again. I also WANT to work. My self esteem has suffered for the past 7 years.
Tutor If you've never tutored before you can start with a company to gain the experience and get a consistant paycheck. I can recommend Wyzant. I have worked with them and seem to like it. You can also post on Craigslist. Get ready for spam from random people asking you to tutor their children from England, Belgium, S. Africa . .wherever. I set up an ema...See More
Nov 7, 2009
gaviota How do I go about tutoring for the NCLB initiavtive?

On 11/07/09, Tutor wrote: > If you've never tutored before you can start with a company > to gain the experience and get a consistant paycheck. I can > recommend Wyzant. I have worked with them and seem to like > it. You can also post on Craigslist. Get ready for spam > fr...See More
Nov 14, 2009
Tutor Depends on where you live. Each tutoring company that works with public schools as part of No Child Left Behind has to place a bid with the county. A list is usually produced and you can contact those companies OR you can contact your Title 1 elementary and middle schools directly to inquire. The program is called Supplementary Education Services o...See More
Nov 17, 2009

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