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Just wanted to know if anyone has any experience with this program. Thank you!
LK Is this the one where they spend a week or so in Washington D.C.? I believe 10-15 of our Middle School students have participated in it over the last few years - including my principal's son. If it is the Washington D.C. one I have heard that the kids really enjoyed it.
Mar 5, 2009
teach4 My son has been invited to the conference in Washington, DC. I checked this program out with several local families that had teenagers attend. It came highly recommended - though expensive. My son is 15, and he has not attended a conference in DC - we live 7 hours away, so much additional cost.

But he was invited to the state conference la...See More
Mar 6, 2009
Victoria Thanks! A few of my 5th grade gifted students were nominated and a couple were talking about fundraising to go. I just wanted to make sure it was legit and they wouldn't be wasting their money. I love when any of my students can participate in different activities to enhance their abilities. I teach 2nd thru 8th grade gifted in a rural, low-income ...See More
Mar 7, 2009

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