Video Share
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Welcome to the Teacher Video Share Chatboard. This Teachers.Net experimental video share resource is designed for teachers to share and discuss videos found on YouTube and other popular video service websites.

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Carrie could you post some instructions here (something that would be permanent) on exactly how to embed videos into posts, I always forget how to do it. Thanks, Carrie (who can't remember)

On 6/16/11, Bob Reap (Teachers.Net) wrote: > Welcome to the Teacher Video Share Chatboard. This > Teachers.Net experimental video share resource is desi...See More
Jun 17, 2011
CJ Unfortunately, I won't be able to enjoy this until back in school, since I can only get dial-up (If anyone has suggestions for faster connections in rural areas, I'd appreciate it lol), but I think it's a great idea for a board.

And, I'd just like to comment how wonderful it is to have this resource. It's great that has been ...See More
Jun 17, 2011

Teacher Chatboards


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