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I should probably start by saying I am totally new at
this. I went to a workshop this summer and received
FrontPage. I was very impressed and put together a
website for my classroom. I am totally thrilled with what
it has allowed me to accomplish at this point.
I have been lurking here a bit since that workshop. I am
finding I am interested in learning more.
Why do you say you must learn HTML to start? I am
starting to find I want to learn a bit, but we did not
have to know any of it to put together our first project.
What is the benefit? Why do you say DreamWeaver is better
than FrontPage? I am asking these questions to learn what
direction I need to go to learn more.
Max /blockquote>

There is a thing called "browser standards" or "CSS
valid", "HTML valid".

It's very technical, but FrontPage assigns their own
extensions and things to their code to make them work with
FrontPage. Webhosts provide FrontPage extension support
because they want to please their subscribers.

In...See More
Jul 16, 2005
Ron/DE /blockquote>

Max said it very well. I use dreamweaver for my class site and
building site. I still have things to learn but I am having a
great time working on the two sites. I know enough HTML tyo do
the tweaking that Max mentioned. Keep plugging away and have
fun doing it.
Jul 17, 2005

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