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Created my site using FrontPage 03. All my buttons and most of my links work. The exception is a page I built for teacher resources. It has links for lang. arts and math that don't work. Simply typed in the words then right clicked to add the hyperlink. I have viewed the site on several computers. On most PCs, everything works. But on my Mac and a friend's PC using Firefox, those links don't work. Have tried deleting them and recreating but no luck. Is there something I can do to fix this so anyone looking at my site can access all the pages?

Any input is greatly appreciated!
try this Open the page in the code mode and put the URL in by hand.

On 8/27/08, Kate wrote: > Created my site using FrontPage 03. All my buttons and > most of my links work. The exception is a page I built for > teacher resources. It has links for lang. arts and math > that don't work. Simply typed in the words then right > clicked t...See More
Aug 27, 2008
Max Give us the website URL so we can see it with our browsers. We can help better if we can see the code.
Aug 28, 2008
Kate Sorry, put the link in my original message but it didn't go thru. Another thought - I inserted text boxes, then the text, then the hyperlinks. Could the text boxes be causing the problem? Maybe use tables instead?

Here's a cut & paste if the link doesn't work here again. [link removed]

On 8/28/08, Max wrote: > Give us the w...See More
Aug 29, 2008
Max Kate ...

I see right away what the problem is ... Your site was created with Microsoft Office.

That rendering is not valid HTML or XHTML for anything other than Internet Explorer (a Microsoft product). It creates terrible coding and extreme compatibility problems.

I hate to say that you need to start all over again, but t...See More
Aug 29, 2008
Kate Max, Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, I am not as well versed in code as you. About all I can handle from the design aspect is the templates FP offers me. What I did change was the text boxes used on the page with the problems. Put the info into a table and now all seems to be well. At least it works on both my mac and pc. Hopefully, works fo...See More
Aug 31, 2008

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