100 Days
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I was looking for interesting activities and found this
site and the great idea about the postcards. I know we are
starting late, but I am willing to give it a try. If you
can please help us out.

My Kindergarten class will be celebrating our 100th day of
school on January 26th. We would like to receive 100
postcards from other classes around the nation,(and world).
We started this project a little late and would greatly
appreciate any help any one could give us.
Postcards may be sent to

Miss Bogis' Kindergaten Class
Pine Ridge Elementary School
750 Pine Ridge Drive
St. Mountain, Georgia 30087

It would be wonderful to hear from you. Our class would
also love to send you postcards back if you would like,
just send us your address and we will return the favor.
([email removed]
Shari /blockquote>

I will send you one from George, IA! We will celebrate Day 100
on January 26 too!
Jan 19, 2001

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