100 Days
2 Members

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We are going strong, but still looking for members to join
our100 Day Postcard Exchange. We need 100 people willing
to sign up as soon as possible and agree to exchange 1
postcard with each group member. The cards can be mailed
out anytime between the beginning of school to very early
January. Because school starts at different times
throughout the country the 100th day will be different for
all of us (explanation of why early Jan. is the ending
date). To cover the costs, you could ask your students to
donate 4 to 6 cards each with postage stamps included.
There are many ways in which to use these postcards. If you
signup I will send you some ideas along with the list of
members. An example would be to hang a large USA map on
your bulletin board and add stars and a label for each
school when each card arrives. The idea is to count up the
cards to the 100th day of school and have a 100 postcards
to ...See More
Julie Roe /blockquote>

On 8/16/01, Jeanne wrote:
> We are going strong, but still looking for members to join
> our100 Day Postcard Exchange. We need 100 people willing
> to sign up as soon as possible and agree to exchange 1
> postcard with each group member. The cards can be mailed
> out anytime between the be...See More
Oct 8, 2001
Julie Roe /blockquote>

On 8/16/01, Jeanne wrote:
> We are going strong, but still looking for members to join
> our100 Day Postcard Exchange. We need 100 people willing
> to sign up as soon as possible and agree to exchange 1
> postcard with each group member. The cards can be mailed
> out anytime between the be...See More
Oct 8, 2001

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