100 Days
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Here are some fun activites that my first graders have
enjoyed over the last few years.
100th Day Snack - divide the class into 5 groups. Have each
group count out 100 of the following items: Chocolate chips,
raisins, peanuts, M&M's. Mix together and serve.

101st School Day- On the school day following your 100th day
celebration, have students write about their favorite 100th
day in their jounals. Watch 101 Dalmations.

Song: 100 days of school this year,
100 days of school,
Take 1 away
Work and play
99 days of school this year.

To the tune of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall"
Mrs.Fleck /blockquote>

I do 100th day centers. I break my class up into groups, they
each get an opportunity to visit each center.
1. put together 100 piece puzzle
2. write 100 words they know
3. read 100 words
4. 100 excersises.
5. make 100th day snack

I also have each child bring in 100 pennies, I do multiple
mat...See More
Jan 28, 2003

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