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I'm sure there are other posts on paper mache but I can't
find them. I need any practical tips on doing paper
mache. What grades should I do this with? I have
kindergarten - 5th grade. If I get parents to come help
can K and 1st do this? What do you put your mixture in?
I'm planning on using glue/water mixture unless there is
something easier. I was thinking of doing tissue paper
strips instead of newspaper with the little ones so they
don't have to paint it. Any thoughts?
mjg /blockquote>

I would use the water and glue mixature and have the mixature
in bowls/tubs for them to work in small groups. I think color
tissue paper is great for all ages. The older ones can make
a pattern or design while paper maching . On 3/05/08, Lisa
> I'm sure there are other posts on paper mache but ...See More
Mar 10, 2008
laura /blockquote>

On 3/05/08, Lisa wrote:
> I'm sure there are other posts on paper mache but I can't
> find them. I need any practical tips on doing paper
> mache. What grades should I do this with? I have
> kindergarten - 5th grade. If I get parents to come help
> can K and 1st do this? What do you put yo...See More
Apr 1, 2008
Marie /blockquote>

I have done paper machhe with 3 to 6 year olds. A lot will
depend on what you are making. I try to use balloons as much a
possible. The easiest way I found is to make the mixture in a
tub of some kind. Then you can dip your ballon in the mix, (in
my class we call it "goo") and have the children place the ...See More
Apr 3, 2008
maybeme Depending on what you want as a project.... I often use plastic milk jugs, old bleach bottles etc as the base as it takes less layers (3 full layers is necessary for balloons). Sometimes I use a water/flour mix, wall paper paste or glue mix depending on what I have available. Tissue paper looks great and works well, as does painting - I particularl...See More
Aug 27, 2008

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