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I have a group of VERY LOW functioning autistic and downs syndrome students 2X/wk for 30 mins. each. I am a art teacher and need help. It's just the beginning of the school year and I am already at a loss when it comes to meaningful ideas/lessons for these kids. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated!
kgray Try posting this on the art teachers'll get lots of feedback, I'm sure!

On 9/22/08, Amy wrote: > I have a group of VERY LOW functioning autistic and downs > syndrome students 2X/wk for 30 mins. each. I am a art > teacher and need help. It's just the beginning of the > school year and I am already at a loss when ...See More
Sep 23, 2008
Josie How old are they?
Oct 22, 2008
You are in luck..... i was forced to do a "literacy" homeroom with this kids...they couldn't read the lowest level and I wasn't about to sit there and listen to them "try" to read. The rest of the year I gave them markers and paper and they went to town. That's all it takes, I'm serious. If you have instructional assistants that come with them, you can have them "super...See More
Oct 23, 2008
Meaningful Lessons Dear Amy:

I am a first year art teacher and I have a situation exactly like yours. Lessons where you talk about shapes, lines and textures are fabulous. Color mixing is fun. You can do rubbings from leaves and stencils. You could also have shapes cut out and paper torn and have them make a collage. Hand print art is also fun. Modeling clay...See More
Nov 17, 2008
crayon Queen Sp.Ed. kids need sensory and hand strengthening activities. Place the water for watercolors on the opposite side of their dominate hand so they cross their midline. I've taught art to sp.ed. almost 20 years and your best source is their classroom teacher. For example, if Susie needs help with circles, it's most likely the rest need help too. Read t...See More
Nov 24, 2008

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