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I am looking for art projects for my daughter's kindergarten class. I am a mural artist & graphic designer. I was pleased to be asked to share my talent with the kids. I am looking for some good ideas.
kgray One of my favorites is a take on the traditional trace-your- hand project. Give a piece of 8x17 white paper and have the kids trace their hand and arm down to the elbow (hold the pencil straight up and down to avoid anorexic looking arms and hands!) Outline with thick black marker. Divide the entire outline into interesting shapes: diagonal lines, ...See More
Oct 20, 2008
Lynn in IA Why not teach them how to create a mural. Use one big piece of paper taped to a wall or board. Granted it will not look like yours, but you would be suprised what they can do. Ask the teacher what books they are reading and choose a book so that you tie in a literacy lesson with the art. Have them create a scene from the book, or starting from left...See More
Nov 16, 2008

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