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Materials *Soda can *White paint *Old socks *googly eyes *Pom-poms *Ribbion *hot glue *siscors *orange pipecleaners *Glitter Glue *handfull sand *ducktape *1/2 inch wide of cloth/7inch long

What you do Step 1: Rinse the soda can good and dry it off.Put sand in it so it wont tip over then tape the drinking hole. then take white paint and paint it.Let it dry afterwards Step 2: Take the openiing end of the sock and Hot glue it to its head.Press down on that end to go on. Step 3: Cut the hat to how long you want the hat. Step 4:Go to the middle of the hat and tie a ribbon to it.If you want you can put a pom-pom on the tip of the hat. Step 5: Glue googly eyes. Cut a big enough peice of orange pipe cleaner and fold it in half and glue on the nose. Then you take glitter glue and draw a mouth. Step 6: If you want to put a scarf take a 1/2 inch wide cloth ang glue it on the snowman's neck.If tou want a jacket take the other end of the cut sock and put it on the snow man and glue it dow...See More

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