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I teach K-5 ESL students from a many different countries
and languages. They are intermediate to high level reading
and writing. I would like to have them become pen pals with
either other ESL students or students from other countries.
Darla Saunders /blockquote>

My Class is looking for a place in Mexico to send Flat
Stanley. Is there anyone who could accommodate this
request. He takes up little space and just really want a
look around and only has to stay a few days. Mrs. Saunders,
Grade Three, Bidwell Porter Elementary, Southeast Ohio, USA

On 1/03/07, Dian...See More
Jan 4, 2007
Is everyone aware that...? /blockquote>

Is everyone aware that... this is the Learning
Centers/Classroom Centers Chatboard and that there is a
separate board on this site for Pen Pal requests? See link
Jan 6, 2007

Teacher Chatboards


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Language Arts

Foreign Language