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Earth Day 2004 Debut of Hillol Ray’s Poetry CD: “Glimpse of
Poems on Environmental Themes”
James Butler

Over the past several decades, Hillol Ray, the Poet of
Ecology, has created global awareness through his numerous
didactic poems on biodiversity and environmental issues.
Without question, he has dedicated his entire life to
solving the problems of ecology and environment. He became
an overnight sensation through his infamous poem “Earth
Day”, composed on April 22, 1995 to commemorate the 25th
Silver Jubilee of Earth Day celebration, and since then, it
has been published in many magazines, adapted by the U.S.
Scouting Service, and continues to be displayed on many web
sites each year around the world. Recently he has taken
another approach to create awareness for the protection of
Mother Earth from the perils of environmental degradations
by selecting own poems, taped on his o...See More

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