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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I just posted this to the Teachers.Net Field Trips mailring
and hope for your input, too. I hope you will post your
responses and discussiion here or on the Field Trips
mailring. (The advantage of mailring posts is that they are
now archived. Chatboard posts eventually disappear into

I'm no longer teaching, but I recall some wonderful field
trips with my students.

I'm ready to talk about topics related to field trips - are you?

I taught kindergarten for about 20 years. Pretty much every
year we went to an apple orchard and a pumpkin patch in the
Fall. Once our entire K-3 school went to the circus in our
state's Civic Center! THAT was exciting and challenging to
pull off - a whole school of rural kids (and teachers) in
the city. We had teachers using knotted ropes (having the
kids hold onto rope ) to keep the kids from straying while
walking through the city from the bus to the civic...See More

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