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This past November, my grandfather was issued a ticket for using corn in a spin feeder at my grandparent’s home in northern Clare County. My grandparents feed the wild turkeys. There has been a ban on feeding and baiting of deer and elk in the lower peninsula of Michigan sense the end of August after Chronic Wasting Disease was discovered in a deer at a deer farm in Kent County near Grand Rapids. After intense testing of whitetail deer (10,000), no additional cases have been discovered in either Michigan’s wild deer herd or at deer farms. Winter has arrived, and this year a lot of areas of the Lower Peninsula have experienced record or near record amounts of snow fall for the month of December. The crops have all been harvested, food sources that people have planted to help the wildlife are snow covered, and people who have for years fed and helped the wildlife out during the long winters are no longer allowed to do it. We have seen pictures of deer at the windows of people’s hom...See More

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