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Hey, I work part time with a company that offers a completely free fundraiser.

It is not only free to organizations and groups that want to raise money, but it is completely free to your donors as well.

It is a Cell Phone Recycling program that utilizes free, postage pre-paid mailing bags that people can send their old cell phones in to our processing facility.

We take the phones in, sell them, and cut a check once a month to your organization.

Real and Simple and Real Simple!

There is absolutly NO upfront COST. There is never any cost at all to your organization/group.

You do not have to be a non-profit either. You could be a school group or charity organization just as easily as Bobby's Baseball Buddies, or Bob's Beer Bottle collectors!

Here is how to register: 1. Send me an email to: jack at letting me know you are interested. I do not check this forum.

2. I'll email you a registration form you can...See More

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