Grant Writing
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Hi, I'm trying to find some information about
grantwriting. First, I guess I need to find the best
place to go for research. I'm a special education teacher
and I would like to apply for grants to recieve resources
for my classroom ex. electronics, manuplative, hands-on
resources. I'm also a minority woman and would like to
start a small business. I've heard that there are grants
for someone with these qualification, but I'm not able to
find out where to apply for them. Also, I volunteer for a
catholic youth organization and I would like to apply for
grants to help defray travel expenses and activites. I
have no experience what so ever as where to start, what to
do. I would like to hire someone to do this for me. I
would like to hire a reputable individual or company with
resonable prices. If anyone could help or knows of
someone that may be able to help me please let me know.
My email address is [...See More
Rose /blockquote>

On 12/08/07, S.James wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to find some information about
> grantwriting. First, I guess I need to find the best
> place to go for research. I'm a special education teacher
> and I would like to apply for grants to recieve resources
> for my classroom ex. electronics, man...See More
Dec 18, 2007

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