I'm a 4th grade teacher in San Diego, Texas. A small town near Corpus Christi. I have two groups of 21 students that are eager to penpal. Please let me know if you would like to penpal. We would love to start right away.
gulnaraHello, Roxana! It is a teacher of English from a distant tiny land Kyrgyzstan! Have you ever heard about us? I would be quite happy if you allow us to penpal as we are eager to have some friends from the USA. Tanks in advance : ) Age: 10-12
K.DiazI have 10 fourth graders who could write to 2 students each and one could write to 3. They are in the gifted program in a charter school in Florida. diazk@platoacademy.net
I am 5th grade teacher in New York City. I am looking for 4 classrooms that would be willing to pen pal with my 5th grade team. Each class has about 30 students. The format can start off and remain as snail mail or we can even go further and eventually make it so that we are Skyping and having whole class discussions about topics that are relevant to us (i.e. social issues, current events, etc.). Of course, all of this can be worked out as we progress throughout the year. We are looking to expand our ideas and perspectives about how geography and other factors help to shape our view and perspective of the world.
Looking forward to chatting and getting this project off of the ground with you.
K.DiazWe would love to be pen pals. I teach gifted students in Florida. I have 6 5th graders but they could write to a few kids each and I also have 10 fourth graders who could write to them also.......diazk@platoacademy.net
gulnaraHello, Joanna! I have students (10-11 y.o.) I'm really excited about making my classes interesting by having some foreign penpals, but, honestly, I don't have any ideas how to do it. Please, write me on kadgu@mail.ru if you have time for me. Thanks beforehand!
EditaHello, I am an English teacher from Lithuania. My students( 4th-7th grades) would like to exchange letters and collaborate. Edita editara@gmail.com.
EditaHello, I am an English teacher from Lithuania. My students( 4th-7th grades) would like to exchange letters and collaborate. Edita editara@gmail.com.
I am currently working at a language school called Elite Formaccio Integral in Esparreguera, Barcelona teaching English. We have roughly 25 students aged between 8-11 years and roughly 8 students aged 12-15 years. We are interested in finding them pen pals who they could write to and communicate via other forms such as voice files and emails every two weeks. We are open to all English speaking countries as our students enjoy learning about other cultures. I look forward to hearing from you all.
EditaHello, I am an English teacher from Lithuania. My students of 4th- 7th grades would like to collaborate and exchange letters about themselves, school, country and etc. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Edita editara@gmail.com
EditaHello, I am an English teacher from Lithuania. My students(4th- 7thgrades) are looking for pen pals from foreign countries. Edita editara@gmail.com
I teach gifted students in a charter school in Largo, Florida. We are excited to have pen pals and can write to multiple pals. I have had my students do pen pal projects the past two years and we loved it. Please email me at diazk@platoacademy.net. Our 3rd and 5th graders have already written the first letter.....
Hola! I am looking for pen pals for my 7th grade Spanish classes starting Jan. 1, 2018. We are learning Spanish and have novice and intermediate Spanish speakers. We will have about 60 students in all. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Gracias!!
I am currently working as an English teacher at a language school near Barcelona. We have eight 11-15 year olds and twenty-five 8-11 year olds which we would like to find pen pals for. Due to your students being 7th grade, perhaps our group of 11-15 year olds would be suitable? Would be great to find someone to exchange letters and email with. Here is my email address if you are interested - emmamayupshall22@hotmail.co.uk Thanks :)
Hi Everyone! I'm a 3rd grade teacher in Absecon, NJ. I am looking for pen pals (snailmail) for a group of 20 kids ( 8-9years old). Please contact me by email so we can get these kids writing! Thanks and talk to you soon!
I have about 15 English beginner students from Brazil, and I'm looking for penpal for then. I want to put then in a real situation where they can exchange information.