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Has anyone tried mixing goldfish and fire belly toads?
There seems to be some disagreement on the web as to
whether or not this is a good idea.

Anita /blockquote>

How can you mix them? Toads are tropical/terrestrial and
goldfish are cold water/aquatic.

Goldfish produce so much filth that it's impossible for
ANYTHING to live with them!
Oct 26, 2006
Joseph Alves /blockquote>

That should work..I mix mine with guppies and they do fine.
but eventually when the toads get hungry they eat the
guppies.. So if you dont want your goldfish getting chewed
up get some slighly smaller than the toads.

On 10/24/06, weejess wrote:
> Has anyone tried mixing goldfish and fire belly to...See More
Jan 28, 2008
Joseph Alves /blockquote>

Actually firebelly toads are more like frogs and prefer alot
of water...get a filter and its easy to mix them

On 10/26/06, Anita wrote:
> How can you mix them? Toads are tropical/terrestrial and
> goldfish are cold water/aquatic.
> Goldfish produce so much filth that it's impossible...See More
Jan 28, 2008

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