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I have two Bettas in separate bowls. I live in the NE and
we're keeping the house cooler now and the water
temperature is now around 66 degrees, way too cold for
Bettas as I understand. My question is:

Can I put the Bettas in a 5 gallon tank with a divider and
use an aquarium water heater without adversely affecting
the fish? Can I also use a water filter? I currently
have them in about 1 gallon bowls. Do Bettas prefer small
bowls compared to being in a 5 gal tank? I must get the
water temperature up soon - they are sluggish and not
eating as much.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Aimee /blockquote>

Hi Carlton,

I agree. 66F is way too cold for bettas. I, personally, have 9 bettas now.
They're in a room which I keep heated at 78F. They're all in 5 and 10 gallon
filtered tanks. I had 2 in the same tank (with a divider), but separated them
because they got so preoccupied with flaring at each other tha...See More
Nov 2, 2006
carlton /blockquote>

Hello, Aimee!

Thank you very much for your informative response. Your
comment about the two Bettas in one tank is interesting - the
two I have will do this if the bowls are too close so I'll
have to watch them if I do put them in one tank. I'm also
concerned about one getting sick from the other - a...See More
Nov 6, 2006
Aimee /blockquote>

Hi Carlton,

Great! I'm glad to be of help. I've had lots of experience in my short-lived betta
world of 2 years! Be careful on the transfer that you put them in water that's the
same temp as the bowl to begin with-- a 2 degree increase per day is what I have
read will cause the least stress (and ultimat...See More
Nov 6, 2006

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