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Hey Everybody, just wanted to post back to tell you that
Blue is nice and healthy. Yey!

He had another bout with fin rot, but doses of Maracyn 2
cleared that right up.

An interesting story: I took my fish home to Mississauga
with me. My parents have this crazy reverse-osmosis
filtration system going on in the house, and after I did a
water change, Blue was depressed! He barely moved, save to
breath, and he ate less and less each day! He didn't seem
stressed at all, his fins weren't clamped, and his scales
were not raised. He was healthy as a fish can be, but he was

Then I got him back and changed the water right away. He
started eating again after a day, and he's much happier now.
In fact, he blew a bubble nest the other day, and he's
actively maintaining it!

Just wanted to pass a good story along, since most of what
crosses these boards isn't exactly positive in nature :) <...See More
Aimee /blockquote>

Hey Julian,

I've been off the site for a while (on vacation), off-schedule! But, it was great to
read your post about Blue. Glad he's still happy.

Jan 24, 2007

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