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I have a Beta who is almost a year and a half old. He's
currently in a filtered tank. He use to live in a round fish
bowl with some marbles and a fake plant, however, maybe
about two months ago I noticed he had developed a pop-eye. I
went and got the Marycn and in the process of giving him his
treatments he just seemed to get worse. (I followed the
directions on the Marcyn to a 't'). He developed a body
fungus and eventually I brought him home to ensure he was
closely monitored by myself and my husband. (Yes, I'm pretty
attached, he's such a doll). In any event I stopped the
Marcyn treatments and within a week he appeared to be back
to normal. He even started to create bubble nests so I
brought him back to work. I switched him to a small filter
tank a couple days after returning and I noticed he was back
to his bubble nests even with the filter running. The only
thing I noticed since this episode is when I use to put...See More
May /blockquote>

I'm certainly not an expert, but I wouldn't worry too much
about his behavior. He's undergone a lot in a little while and
the travel and switching back and forth with tanks and adding
a filter may have stressed him out a little bit and made him
cautious about his surroundings. My first beta fish would not
bui...See More
Jan 13, 2007
Julian L. /blockquote>

In my experience, my betta seems to undergo mood swings. Some
days, he'll sit expressionlessly in his plant, staring at me
while I work, and not even moving when I sit centimeters away
from him... and other days, like today, he'll be so territorial
and defensive of his plant that just my moving nearby would
c...See More
Jan 15, 2007
Aimee /blockquote>

I hope your fishy is doing better. As long as he's not missing his food, he's not
going blind.

Mine are in filtered tanks and make their bubble nests, too. I think the move
may simply have stressed him. It's pretty common for that to happen, too.

On 1/12/07, Elisabeth wrote:
> I ha...See More
Jan 24, 2007

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