Class Pets
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-Is Getting a Pet in the Best Interest of My Class?
Answer the following questions:
Why do I want a pet?
Do NOT get a pet if you answer:
To interest the students
To be a 'popular' classroom
Because someone you know has a pet that needs another home
To teach kids responsibility - kids need to be responsible
BEFORE they get a pet.
Do get a pet if:
You love animals and want to share that with your students
You want to demonstrate responsible pet ownership
Who will care for the pet?
YOU WILL - you are the responsible adult. You must care
for the pet. If you assign duties to students be sure it
is used as a reward, not a punishment. It is not fair to
the animal to have half-hearted, reluctant care. You are
responsible for monitoring and follow-up.
What happens over vacations?

The riskiest time for a pet is when it goes home with a
student's family over vacation. There are many injur...See More
sushi /blockquote>

On 7/02/07, Wendeline Wagner, DVM, MS wrote:
> -Is Getting a Pet in the Best Interest of My Class?
> Answer the following questions:
> Why do I want a pet?
> Do NOT get a pet if you answer:
> To interest the students
> To be a 'popular' classroom
> Because someone you know has...See More
Jul 2, 2007
mm /blockquote>

Thank you for the excellent post. You brought up a lot of
issues that I hadn't give much thought to before.
MM in Arizona

On 7/02/07, Wendeline Wagner, DVM, MS wrote:
> -Is Getting a Pet in the Best Interest of My Class?
> Answer the following questions:
> Why do I want a pet?
> Do...See More
Jul 7, 2007

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