It sounds like you kids are too young for me. My class is 4th grade and a 5th grade. Yours are 5/6 year old. I am looking for an exchange for both of my class. Last year it did not work for my 4th grade and they did not get to do a postcard exchange. Thanks.
Hello! I'm a teacher of age 5/6 students in Melbourne, Australia. We are looking for classes across the world to exchange letters, artwork and postcards with and hopefully learn more about different cultures.
About us: we study English in a private school in Ýstanbul, Turkey. They are between 14 and 16 years old. We have been working with intercultural topics in class, so I think now it is a perfect timing for a real exchange!
Would you be interesting in participating in cultural exchange with Japanese junior high students? I would like to suggest exchanging postcards/letters. They are between 12 and 15 years old. We have previously exchanged postcards with France, Germany, Korea and China, and I have found that my students are highly motivated through this activity.
For native-level English speakers, this many be a simple 15 minute activity with wonderful return. For ESL/EFL classes, it is both excellent practice with real-world English and a great motivation boost.
Thanks for reading! Please contact me if you are interested. chris.dice.[email removed]
I wrote a blog all about how a Postcard Exchange works. You mail out 51 postcards, and you receive a postcard from every state, Canada, and Washington, DC. It makes a fantastic bulletin board, and the students learn a little bit about each state, so it is a great center activity.
We are in our 15th year, so our exchange usually has 100&37; participation, and teachers only leave because they retire or change grades. Help me complete our exchange.
I am a teacher in New Bedford, Massachusetts. I have 15 advanced learning 4th graders and would love to involve them in a project to receive postcards across the U.S. Is this a website for that? Am I too late to get started for this year? How do I get started?
We currently just need a few new teachers to join our exchange, and would love to have a teacher from New Hampshire, Hawaii, Maine, and Mississippi participate. We take all grade levels K-6th for our Postcard Exchange. I have a blog post which explains how our Postcard Exchange works. It is a super project, and makes an amazing bulletin board too:
I will send you labels so it is very easy to mail your 51 postcards out. You will receive in early November a postcard from each state, one from Canada, and one from Washington, D.C. too.
Feel free to forward this email to other teachers or principals.