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I am a Bilingual 5th grade teacher in Cedar Creek, Texas. We are about 20 miles east of Austin, Texas and 5 miles west of Bastrop, Texas. I have started a project with my 4 classes. I would like to signed up my classes to send/and receive postcards from different parts of the world. Each of my students (94) has brought in a postcard that has a Texas, Austin or Bastrop theme on it. The students have been practicing writing complete sentences in English and are ready to start sending out postcards. Our goal is to send out 94 postcards before our winter break (December 20, 2014 - Janauary 6, 2015). We want the postcards to have travel time to their destination AND for the receipient to have time to send a postcard back before we break for spring break in March. We plan on mapping our postcards from around the world as they arrive at our school.

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Language Arts

Foreign Language