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What would be a good and interesting book to teach to 7th
just me /blockquote>

The Killer's Cousin
The Man Who Loved Clowns
Freak the Mighty
Maniac Magee
Among the Hidden
Harry Potter series
Alana series
The Ear, The Eye, and The Arm
Flowers for Algernon
Tuesdays with Morrie

I could go on and on and on...
Jul 23, 2005
Ms. Cognato /blockquote>

On 4/11/05, Cyndi wrote:
> What would be a good and interesting book to teach to 7th
> grade?

I second "Freak the Mighty," and would like to add "the
westing game," (link on my website - go to diagon alley,
book sites and click on the westing game for a schedule and
prereading activities th...See More
Aug 23, 2005
Kamil /blockquote>

im a 7th grader and i need a really interesting book thats no
more than 160 page and no less than 100 pages e-mail me at
[email removed]
Mar 31, 2008

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