We only need 8 more states: AK, DE, HI, ND, SC, UT, VT, WY
(This project combines a traveling buddy and a 50 state postcard exchange)
Our project centers around a stuffed puppy named Ollie! He wants to travel across the country meeting children from each state. We are looking for a participating class from EACH OF THE 50 STATES!
I participated in an exchange like this a few years back. Here's the idea: each classroom mails 100 postcards or valentines to 100 classrooms. They are mailed in January or the first week in February so that all arrive by February 14th which is around the 100th day of school for those who start in September. The valentines could be made or purchased or a picture postcard could be used. When I participated 1 classroom from Africa sent an email valentine because the cost for overseas mail was so expensive. If you are interested please e-mail me your name, school address, grade level and the e-mail address you want others on the list to use.
If anyone has an ideas or suggestions, I welcome them! I figure any grade level, anywhere in the world could participate! When I participated some schools just sent greetings while others included geographic or class information.
I've included a link to the bulletin board I had last time.
I have never seen anything catch on quicker than this program. All I am hearing about at relatives homes, work, all over the internet and now on television is the program at [link removed]!
Our project centers around a stuffed puppy named Ollie! He wants to travel across the country meeting children from each state. We are looking for a participating class from EACH OF THE 50 STATES!
TO LEARN MORE… [link removed].
Ollie will travel around the country. He will have time to visit each class for ONE DAY ONLY. Be sure to pack a ton of fun into your special day with Ollie! We want to hurry him along on his journey so that he is able to make a full trip around the United States before school lets out for summer (many let out in May)!!
Each class will send a postcard to the other classes to let them know that Ollie has arrived safely. We can learn more about your area if you also include other information about your state.
Please also send 1-2 paragraphs by email describing what your class did with Ollie. Include digital pictures and/or links to your classroom or school web pages! I will add this to his online travel journal, so all classes can keep track of his travels!
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SIGNING UP, please copy and paste the following information into an email and send it to [email removed]
I hope you will join us!! Thanks! Karen
CONTACT INFORMATION: Full Name: "School Name" (ex. Mrs. Stamp): Grade: School Name: School Address: School City, State, and Zip: Work Phone Number (including area code): Email: Classroom (or School) Web Address: [link removed]:
Our project centers around a stuffed puppy named Ollie! He wants to travel across the country meeting children from each state. We are looking for a participating class from EACH OF THE 50 STATES!
TO LEARN MORE… [link removed].
Ollie will travel around the country. He will have time to visit each class for ONE DAY ONLY. Be sure to pack a ton of fun into your special day with Ollie! We want to hurry him along on his journey so that he is able to make a full trip around the United States before school lets out for summer (many let out in May)!!
Each class will send a postcard to the other classes to let them know that Ollie has arrived safely. We can learn more about your area if you also include other information about your state.
Please also send 1-2 paragraphs by email describing what your class did with Ollie. Include digital pictures and/or links to your classroom or school web pages! I will add this to his online travel journal, so all classes can keep track of his travels!
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SIGNING UP, please copy and paste the following information into an email and send it to [email removed]
I hope you will join us!! Thanks! Karen
CONTACT INFORMATION: Full Name: "School Name" (ex. Mrs. Stamp): Grade: School Name: School Address: School City, State, and Zip: Work Phone Number (including area code): Email: Classroom (or School) Web Address: [link removed]:
I am a second grade teacher in Arizona. We do a project comparing sand samples.Would anyone be interested in sending my class a sample of sand from their area. It can come from anywhere-river, desert, lake, stream, beach? The students love this activity. please let me know if you are able to help. You can email me at [email removed].
We really need you if you live in the following states. (It's great to be needed isn't it? :-) )
We are still in need of a school from each of the following states: AL, AK, AR, CO, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, OR, SD, UT, VT, WA, WY
Please e-mail your name, e-mail, grade level, school name and school address to [email removed].
On 8/01/06, karen wrote: > We really need you if you live in the following states. > (It's great to be needed isn't it? :-) ) > > We are still in need of a school from each of the following > states: AL, AK, AR, CO, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, IA, > KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NM, > OR, SD, UT, VT, WA, WY > > Please e-mail your name, e-mail, grade level, school name > and school address to [email removed]
On 8/01/06, karen wrote:
> We really need you if you live in the following states.
> (It's great to be needed isn't it? :-) )
> We are still in need of a school from each of the
> states: AL, AK, AR, CO, DE, GA, HI, ID, IN, IA,
> KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE...See More