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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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My name is Natalie. I am a single mother of two (13&15) and
I am disabled... Very low income. I need information on how
to apply for grants for personal and medical expenses and I
would also like to go back to school and start a small home
based business. The only information I can find on the
internet is about companies that want you to purchase their
CD. I can't afford these CD's... Please, Any information of
FREE grant info will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Angela /blockquote>

On 3/04/06, Natalie wrote:

Natalie- there are many resources on the Web and at the
Library for single mothers to help you afford school and
become a success. It is also very possible to start an at
home business. If you need a website, we may be able to help
you. Try a search on the web for "single...See More
Apr 11, 2006
patricia tureaud 3/14/09my name is patricia tureaud and i was just wantin to know how all this works out because im a single 17 year old parent of my daughter leyaunna. i have been staying with friends for a few monthstrying to get a house but it hard when your only 17 and you have to be 18 to get house. and i have been trying to get back in school and its really h...See More
Mar 14, 2009

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