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I haven't yet seen mention of the fact that the administrative offices for the North Slope School District have been left in chaos by the previous superintendent. Most of the personnel responsible for hiring, benefits, human resources, and records, etc. have left those positions. We are left with a Central Office with no institutional memory and little organization yet. Teachers currently employed are often at a loss as to which administrative person to approach for any particular question. Things may be getting better. The general feeling among the teaching staff this spring seems more positive than it has for the past four years. We are all holding our breath to see what the school board will do when it chooses the new superintendent. This is an extraordinary place to live and can be a terrific place to work. Hang in there, if you are interested in teaching on the North Slope.
Watcher ...Thank you. heart set...:)> This is an extraordinary place to live and can be a > terrific place to work. Hang in there, if you are interested > in teaching on the North Slope.
May 2, 2009

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