AK Teachers
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To All Prospective Alaska Teachers,

Teaching in Alaska can be an amazing and rewarding experience. However, it does have drawbacks. Uneducated, unethical school board members are just one of the obstacles. You also have a quagmire of tribal, local, and state politics to negotiate. Beware the politics! Add to all of this the high expenses involved in operating 'bush' schools and the inevitable corruption that occurs when a lot of money is spent with very little oversight... the children often pay a heavy price.

Don't despair, there are also some incredibly focused districts out there that really have it together. They value their teachers and will move heaven and earth to help you to be successful.

You are now thinking "How do I find one of these wonderful districts?" That's a tough one to answer, but I believe that teacher turnover is one of the keys. If a district is experiencing high turnover it is often an indication that something is amiss. I can give ...See More
w. Thanks. Also seems as though this year is a little different from the past - am only supposing. Activity never completely dies down, either, on ATP Job Bank.
May 25, 2009

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