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Is the MAT program at the University of Arkansas worth it
or would I be throwing my money away? Is the non-
traditional licensure just as valid?
Me too /blockquote>

On 12/26/06, me wrote:
> Is the MAT program at the University of Arkansas worth it
> or would I be throwing my money away? Is the non-
> traditional licensure just as valid?

With this program you will recieve a Masters Degree and get licensed with the state
to teach. If you go the non tradit...See More
Dec 27, 2006
yes /blockquote>

Unless you are willing to take ANY job in ANY school in ANY area
in Arkansas, the MAT is the best thing to do. The NTLP really
does NOT prepare you for the situations you will face in the
classroom. Also, often the support for the teachers going
through the program is nonexistent. Definitely find a way to do
...See More
Dec 28, 2006
Not so fast MAT-fan! /blockquote>

On 12/28/06, yes wrote:
> Unless you are willing to take ANY job in ANY school in ANY area
> in Arkansas, the MAT is the best thing to do. The NTLP really
> does NOT prepare you for the situations you will face in the
> classroom. Also, often the support for the teachers going
> through the pr...See More
Mar 14, 2007

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