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I need 3 credits to move over to MA+15. Any suggestions on where I can take a class that is free or inexpensive.
dm Ottawa university offers courses this summer that you can complete in 4 days(usually go from 9-2pm)...but they not inexpensive ($345 per 3 credit course)...

On 7/13/10, Becky wrote: > I need 3 credits to move over to MA+15. Any suggestions on > where I can take a class that is free or inexpensive.
Jul 13, 2010
Kathie On 7/13/10, Becky wrote: > I need 3 credits to move over to MA+15. Any suggestions on > where I can take a class that is free or inexpensive.

Why not go to a community college which is inexpensive and get your credits that way. Do a reading endorsement, if you do not have one or something else.

Jul 14, 2010

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