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Hi everyone,

I am going to be working as a Lead teacher for 6-9 at a Montessori school in North Central, Arizona. I just found that out today and also that I have no assistant, will be doing home visits. I am wondering if home visits are a part of being a Montessori teacher or is it something that the school implements. I have spent the last three weeks with a fast paced training and no real time to ask a lot of "housekeeping" questions. How should a Montessori teacher begin setting things up? I am not even sure how to go about setting up my room, a lesson plan book and recording my "grades." I know that in a Montessori classroom, that there are no grades, but how does one keep track and should they be recorded in a gradebook? Are there any good computer software programs for Montessori teachers? If so, what are they and are they successful? All ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will begin work next Monday, July 28th, but I will be checking in with my emplo...See More

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