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So far, I've spent 15 years as a classroom teacher and these days with the high demands and atrocious disrespect, it's impossible to keep my enthusiasm. In all those years, the longest I've taught at any particular school was four years. Though that's respectable, I'd like to be able to stay at a school for a handful number of years. But as soon as year three rolls around, I start planning my escape route. I figured that I don't have to put up with tyrannical administrators, backstabbing colleagues, helicopter parents, and out of control children.

Honestly, I don't think I have another 15 years to give to the classroom. As of late, it dawned on me that I am slowly becoming like the teachers that I vowed to never be like. Jaded. Lackadaisical. Tired. This year I started at a new school after spending four years at the last one and I almost quit in the first two months. My tolerance level is getting lower every year. But because I'm getting a little older now (almost 40), I beg...See More
RJ You have done a concise job of stating very valid points. Teaching in AZ is difficult most of the time. My current issue is with the observations (4 at my district!) and sketchy test scores used to label us and dangle a carrot of a big stipend. Altruism, while what I naturally try, really has no place in my situation. AZ is going to be very short o...See More
Nov 15, 2014
MKBJ2014 On 11/15/14, RJ wrote: > You have done a concise job of stating very valid points. > Teaching in AZ is difficult most of the time. > My current issue is with the observations (4 at my district!) > and sketchy test scores used to label us and dangle a > carrot of a big stipend. Altruism, while what I naturally try, > really has no ...See More
Jan 18, 2015
a question for all teachers Here is the thing. Teachers are being tricked by the backers of Common Core and technology profiteers. When teachers are presented with Common Core initiatives and talk of technology, they get all excited and aglow. The pushers who are planting this into classrooms across America are ruining education. The technology is working to replace us. The s...See More
Jan 19, 2015
Nevada Teacher > Honestly, I don't think I have another 15 years to give > to the classroom. > But now it's 15 years too late. Dang!

No, it isn't too late for you. I didn't START teaching until I was 45. Before that I, too, had bounced around, but not between schools, between industries. I kinda feel teaching is my landing spot. But I recognize ...See More
Apr 25, 2015
sped It is not too late. I am 65 this July and got my first teaching job at 54. You will not get the plum assignments but you will find jobs along with age discrimination, long hours and horrible administrators. It has been a good run though and the rewards are small but huge.

n 4/25/15, Nevada Teacher wrote: >> Honestly, I don't think I...See More
Apr 26, 2015

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