AZ Teachers
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the equivalent of a pay cut to teachers in Arizona.”

List of districts with an immediate impact on teacher salaries:

Alhambra Elementary School District •If Prop 123 passes: 2&37; increase

Apache Junction •If Prop 123 passes: A 2&37; increase •If Prop 123 doesn’t pass: No increase

Balsz School District •If Prop 123 passes: $820 increase flat to the Base for All + 2&37; increase to the Base for all pre-2009 hires •If Prop 123 doesn’t pass: CSF/PBP only

Buckeye Elementary School District •If Prop 123 passes: 4.9&37; Stipend (FY16) + 3&37; increase to the Base (FY17) •If Prop 123 doesn’t pass: 0&37; increase

Cartwright School District •If Prop 123 passes: 6&37; increase •If Prop 123 doesn’t pass: 1&37; increase

Casa Grande Elementary School District •If Prop 123 passes: 4.5&37;

Chandler ESPoC •If Prop 123 passes 5&37; increase to the Base + 5&...See More

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