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Hi all!

4 years ago I moved to CA with a certification from GA and no teaching experience. I have now been teaching at a charter school in CA for 3 years.

I recently logged online to look at my credential and to begin the registration for a credential clearing program, but noticed the renewal code 'RC' on my credential, which says "The holder must satisfy the Basic Skills Requirement within one year of the issuance date of this document in order to be eligible to continue teaching." Obviously I did not take the CBEST within my first year, BUT I was told that my SAT scores exempt me from this test.. Not sure why this code is still on my credential but I'm terrified to call CTC or my school for fear of losing my license/job.

Will I lose my preliminary credential, or just have to take the CBEST or reorder my SAT scores over the summer?

Anyone have a similar experience or inside information to guide me to the next step?

I moved here alone after ...See More
Vesta Hera I would contact the CTC. You can email them and they get back to you fairly quickly.
Jul 7, 2017
America77 From what I understand, Basic Skills is met by most out of state basic skills tests. Mine was. You can check out whatever you took in Georgia here:

If you're going the SAT route, then you can look up how to have those sent to CTC.

My guess is ...See More
Jul 17, 2017

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