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hello everyone, i am currently thinking of going back to school to become an art teacher (i'm in my early 40's) and have always thought about doing this. It will take me about 2.5 years to complete an undergraduate degree in elem. art ed. Then I can think of my masters, after hopefully teaching a year or so. My question is, are there jobs in CT for this?? Does art/music get cut out a lot? I don't seem to see any jobs for art teachers in primary or secondary schools....is this just going to be a big waste of time and $$ for me?? I know the salary range is low starting w/o any experience or a MA (maybe 45,000 i've heard) which is a huge pay cut for me, but does it go up steadily ever year?

Any info. would be greatly appreciated! thanks.
flutetoot Hi

I went back and got certified in Music & English 3 years ago, and I still don't have a job! The best thing I got was a long- term sub job for music, but music was now cut from the budget so I am back on the job hunt :(

If you really feel a strong desire, you can go back to school and become an art teacher - perhaps the job ...See More
Jun 9, 2009

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