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Hi there, I am moving to CT this summer! Can't wait to get out of troubled California! I have 9 years of elementary teaching experience and I am looking for work in the Granby/Avon/Simsbury areas. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if it is difficult to land a position in these areas, and how soon I should apply for the 2010/11 school year. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
flutetoot On 10/18/09, Vicki wrote: > Hi there, I am moving to CT this summer! Can't wait to get > out of troubled California! I have 9 years of elementary > teaching experience and I am looking for work in the > Granby/Avon/Simsbury areas. I was wondering if anyone could > tell me if it is difficult to land a position in these > areas, and...See More
Oct 19, 2009
Ruth Flutetoot is right -- elem. jobs are very difficult to get. Schools start fall hiring in the spring.

You need to get an app. for certification to CT ASAP. You will have no chance if your CT certification is not in place.

Have them check your coursework to see if you are qualified or close to qualified for certification in another ...See More
Oct 20, 2009
Math Teach I subbed (for one of those) districts for two years, and am certified. They still didn't even interview me for a certified position. Competition must be keen, huh?

On 10/18/09, Vicki wrote: > Hi there, I am moving to CT this summer! Can't wait to get > out of troubled California! I have 9 years of elementary > teaching experience ...See More
Oct 21, 2009
Disgusted CT teacher in the know Those 3 districts are among the most sought after districts in the greater Hartford area, indeed they rival some of the rich Fairfield County towns for the most sought after in CT.

In a "normal" economy, Simsbury sometimes has openings because they pay very low for a "rich" school district. They are a strange district in my view. Look at t...See More
Oct 21, 2009
Math Teach Actually, what you see on Simsbury's website is an invitation to be an ERC sub. Granby and Avon have them too, in addition to East Granby. They will pay more for a certified teacher, regardless of endorsement area.

What's needed, in my opinion, is a more selective Praxis passing score. What we have now is a joke, with any AP calc student ...See More
Oct 22, 2009

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