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I am a kindergarten teacher from Chicago and this is the second year I am organizing a 50 states Christmas card exchange. I am posting a message today because I am currently looking for a teacher from Connecticut to join our project.

Fifty teachers (one from each state) and several possible military base schools from around the world (they only require a regular stamp to send mail to them too) will participate in the 2011 exchange. Teachers will be chosen simply by whoever responds first. I teach kindergarten, but I am opening up the exchange to any classrooms in grades K- 3.

Each teacher will send approximately 50 cards (depending on how many military base schools sign up) and they will receive that many in return. Cards can be store bought or homemade. Along with your card I ask each teacher to prepare a little letter about your classroom as well as a few facts about your state. Last year I really enjoyed this project and my students learned so much a...See More

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