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Is any information available to the public when a teacher is hired on a DSAP permit?

I would think that parents should have a right to know, in addition to certified, as well as NCLB "Highly qualified" teacher appicants who were passed over for a position.
flutetoot I don't think so. I do know that you can go on the state dept. of ed. website to check the status of any teacher's certification, but it won't tell you if that person is highly qualified. Sometimes you might be able to find out via BOE minutes, but usually not.

Were you passed over? I have had that happen to me, esp. in the urban districts...See More
Sep 29, 2011
Math Teach I've applied to several inner city positions, but not one interview. I can't help but wonder if any DSAPs were issued.

The Inner Cities just love to hire those from cities themselves. First question asked of me when I went to the New Britain job fair three years ago was "Why do you want to teach in a city?"

As far as verifying inf...See More
Sep 29, 2011
flutetoot Go to the CT Dept. of Ed website and click on Teachers/educators tab. 1. click on certification 2. click on CECS 3. scroll down to educator certification lookup.

You need to have at least a last name in order to do this. YOu can usually find this out through BOE minutes.

As far as applying to urban districts, I know that I have m...See More
Sep 30, 2011
Math Teach thanks, Flutetoot. I agree 100 % with what you said.

To add insult to injury, The inner cities that cry "teacher shortage" are the ones responsible in getting the math Praxis 2 passing scores lowered from where they were. Before they lowered the scores, 52% would ultimately pass the exam. Now the percentage is in the 70's. All this was don...See More
Sep 30, 2011

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