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My step daughter and her husband have moved to CT. Their youngest is speech delayed and at almost 2 and a half uses only about 5 words. In the state where they previously lived, where I live, they could have taken him at 2 and a half for an evaluation through the school department that would have resulted in walk in speech/language servies. Is there any evaluation in CT like this?

Also what is the K age there? Oldest has a December birthday. Here that would have made her enter K in the September after the birthday. Am I correct in that she can enter K in CT in the year she turns 5? (which would be while she is still 4)
flutetoot Regarding the 2 year old - check with your local public school or the CT Dept. of Education for the nearest birth to 3 program in your area. You could even check with the child's pediatrician. Birth to 3 will then evaluate the child to see what services s/he qualifies for. I did this for my son when he was 2 (he was also speech delayed).

...See More
Nov 13, 2011
grand Thank you. This is a big help.

I'll pass the birth to 3 information along. They just moved from RI and still have their pediatrician there. They don't want to change the pedi as their insurance will pay fully for one in RI and only partly for one out of state. The pedi referred them to the program at the children's hospital in Providence. ...See More
Nov 13, 2011
Suzy Agreed, an eval can't hurt but could reveal issues that should be addressed now. Early intervention is critical with language delays. Birth to Three ([link removed].

If the child is not identified through Birth to Three, the child would be screened by the local school district to see if he/she qualifies for services through their preschoo...See More
Dec 1, 2011

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