CT Teachers
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I am concerned as a teacher and future administrator about the state of affairs in CT., teacher reform to be exact. I understand that Connecticut needs to close the achievement gap but holding teachers solely responsible is not the answer nor are teachers solely the problem. The issues of poor student success is in the hands of all that touch that child's life including the student. Unfortunately, we as educators have to take the brunt of the criticism. Teachers need support from everyone in the community, the state and the nation to help these kids make the grade. Instead of finding ways to support teachers in the difficult job of educating our youth, we are being threatened with job loss, changes in certifications, and elimination of the Maters degree. How can society expect us to perform well without the support we need? Would they want someone teaching their child lesser qualified to do so? Teaching moral is extremely low and the field is becoming less and less desirebale due to th...See More

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