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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I am a first year teacher. Although I like the school and
district I currently teach in, I need to work closer to
home and plan to look for a new job for the fall. I am
certified in a shortage area and have already been
contacted about two anticipated openings.

A few questions:

When do districts usually ask teachers to sign their
contracts for the next school year? What if I sign and
then get an offer from another district?

It seems that many teachers wait until later in summer to
let their districts know that they're leaving. Is this to
keep their benefits intact over the summer? If a new
district hires me, do they begin benefits right away or
wait until the new school year begins?

Is there anything else I should be thinking about?

Any help is appreciated!!
TJ /blockquote>

For those interested in getting a different or first
teaching job for this fall.... Districts start looking very
soon. Districts look because 1) they know current teachers
are retiring or has not worked out and won't be back or a
variety of other reasons, including expanding student
If yo...See More
Jan 22, 2008

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