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This may seem like a silly question, but nonetheless, one
that I don't know the answer to.

When applying for teaching positions and asked to submit
copies of transcripts (or sometimes it simply says
"transcripts") - are the schools requesting a photocopy of
the transcript (that I have on file) or do I need to request
official transcripts in sealed envelopes for each and every
position I apply for?
I think it's the same all over (nfm) /blockquote>

On 2/14/08, NewGrad wrote:
> This may seem like a silly question, but nonetheless, one
> that I don't know the answer to.
> When applying for teaching positions and asked to submit
> copies of transcripts (or sometimes it simply says
> "transcripts") - are the schools requesting a ph...See More
Feb 14, 2008
NewGrad /blockquote>

Ok. So when you request that the official transcripts be sent
to the school districts, it seems that it would be a nightmare
of a job for someone to then match the transcripts to the
appropriate application, with the hundreds of applications that
are being submitted. And then how do you know that they were
ev...See More
Feb 14, 2008
flutetoot /blockquote>

In my area, when I am simply applying for a position,
photocopies of transcripts are accepted. Once you are
actually offered a position, then the district may want an
official transcript on file for you.

Hope this helps

On 2/14/08, NewGrad wrote:
> This may seem like a silly question, but ...See More
Feb 15, 2008
Megan /blockquote>

I have also found that photocopies are accepted and then if the
job is offered then original transcripts may be requested.

Feb 20, 2008

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