CT Teachers
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I am moving to CT and have applied to lots of schools for
a high school math job. Where I live now, it is easy to
find a math job. It is much more difficult up there. I
have a MEd and am National Board Certified so I will be
given a full professional certificate. I also have 16
years experience and I can coach. Is it early still for
places to be hiring? Do they prefer to hire new teachers
that they can pay less? I have had a few calls and
interviews, but not a lot. Any suggestions?
Ruth /blockquote>

It is a bit early -- many districts have not yet passed
their budgets and are only filling positions that are being
vacated. Budgets are usually voted on in the spring, so you
should see more positions advertised soon.

Math is on the recently released list of shortage areas in
CT. Given the need an...See More
May 16, 2008
Steve /blockquote>

Thanks for your reply, Ruth. If there is a posted application
deadline date, can I expect that I will not be contacted to
interview until after that deadline? Also, do you think there
is a shortage of math teachers in all parts of the state or
just in the "rougher" districts?

On 5/16/08, Ruth wrote...See More
May 18, 2008
Ruth /blockquote>

I know that last year math was #2 on the list of shortage
areas. Fairfield County is the most competitive area for
teaching jobs, but beyond that I can't say what the outlook is
for math statewide.
I have a friend who got certified in math 12 years ago but never
worked as a teacher because she started a ...See More
May 20, 2008

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