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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I just got a new job and will resign my current one. My
current job is my first teaching position -- I really
liked it and got along well with everyone, but I needed to
work closer to home.

A colleague at another school said I should wait until
after school gets out to resign. I would like to do it
now so my school can start looking for my replacement. I
feel there will be fewer hard feelings that way.

Anyone have any advice or personal experience to share?
casey CT /blockquote>

As a professional courtesy I would notify administration
asap. You are resigning due to distance not because of
negative aspects of your current position. Explain your
reasons and let admin know that you really enjoyed your first
position and wish it were closer to home. Gas prices aren't
going down anyt...See More
Jun 11, 2008
Susie /blockquote>

Thanks very much for replying. I had already resigned before
you posted, but I did just as you described. I didn't feel
right about dragging it out -- I do like the school and want
them to have plenty of time to find a replacement for me. I
hope they find someone wonderful to work with my students!

...See More
Jun 12, 2008

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